
The program allows for 25 colours to be used in a job.
The table below shows the colours available in the program.
This is the list of legal colour names, these colour names are used in config files.

No Name RGB Value Hex Value DXF Export No
1 BLACK 0,0,0 #000000 7
2 BLUE 0,0,255 #0000ff 5
3 GREEN 0,128,0 #008000 86
4 TEAL 0,150,150 #009696 113
5 RED 255,0,0 #ff0000 1
6 PURPLE 128,0,128 #800080 214
7 BROWN 153,51,0 #993300 34
8 GREY 140,140,140 #8c8c8c 253
9 LTGREY 200,200,200 #c8c8c8 254
10 PALEBLUE 130,180,255 #82b4ff 151
11 BRIGHTGREEN 50,255,50 #32ff32 80
12 AQUA 0,200,200 #00c8c8 132
13 PINK 255,150,150 #ff9696 231
14 MAGENTA 210,0,210 #d200d2 6
15 LTMAGENTA 180,100,180 #b464b4 193
16 YELLOW 230,230,0 #e6e600 2
17 WHITE 255,255,255 #ffffff 7
18 LIME 153,204,0 #99cc00 62
19 LTGREEN 200,255,200 #c8ffc8 71
20 SEAGREEN 51,153,102 #339966 115
21 CYAN 0,255,255 #00ffff 4
22 SKYBLUE 0,204,255 #00ccff 140
23 DARKRED 128,0,0 #800000 12
24 LTORANGE 255,153,0 #ff9900 30
25 GOLD 255,204,0 #ffcc00 40

Hex Colour Numbers
The colour number is a Hexadecimal number which defines the colour of the line as a Red-Green-Blue hexadecimal number
RRGGBB where RR, GG, BB can be 00-FF
Y indicate it is a Hexadecimal value by prefixing it with a '#' character.
The number indicates the intensity of the colour, 0=no colour, FF=full colour.
#FF0000 is a red line
#00FF00 is a green line
#0000FF is a blue line
#000077 is a dark blue line
#000000 is a black line
#FFFFFF is a white line.

Decimal Colour Numbers
If the colour number is used without the #, the number is interpreted as a decimal value.
Thus a red line is ‘16711680’ which is the decimal value of the hex number FF0000.



RGB Colour Numbers
If the colour number is prefixed with 'RGB(' it is interpreted as an RGB triplet.
The format is RGB(rrr,ggg,bbb) where rrr, ggg, bbb are decimal numbers 0-255.

RGB(255,0,0) is a red line
RGB(0,255,0) is a green line
RGB(0,0,255) is a blue line
RGB(0,0,120) is a dark blue line
RGB(0,0,0) is a black line
RGB(255,255,255) is a white line.