Open Job

Read ACS File

This option will read an ACS job from a disk file and will display it on the screen. An ACS file is an ASCII tag format file which contains all the data for a job, the points, strings, text etc.

Read Old ACS File (.pts)

To read an old format job file, use the File/Open option to select the job. Set the ‘File of Type’ from *.ACS to (Old ACS Job) *.PTS, This is the way the program know to read and convert the old format file into the job.

Select the .PTS file and the program will read in the following files:
.PTS file – points
.DAT file – strings and other attributes
.STR file strings and other attributes
.T60 – screen display settings

The .T60 options affect some layer settings: Any 05 cards found in the .DAT or .STR files are used to alter the display settings for the specified range of points.

Writing an Old Job

To write a job into the old format file, use the File/Save As… option to select the output filename. Set the ‘File of Type’ from *.ACS to (Old ACS Job) *.PTS, this is the way the program knows to write the job out in the old format file format. It will write a .PTS file, a .DAT file and a .STR file. If these files already exist, the program will update the existing files with the new string and text lines.